Friday, August 21, 2009

What a day...

It was rainy and blah when I woke up, and that's how I felt all day, rainy and blah. It seems to be just at that exact point in the year where it is basically spring, you can smell it on the air, the sun shines most days, and it's not dark by the time you get home from work... it's glorious, actually, when you realise the blossoms are starting to come out and everything smells fresh... And then you get a day like today that reminds you it is actually still cold, windy, horrible winter, and it just puts you out of sorts.

Lovely Weather

Always Fresh

We went to my in-laws for dinner (as is usual on a Friday night, Taco night, very delicious, but no photos as it's quite a mess usually), where there are regularly fresh flowers on the table. Orchids are one of my favourites, mainly because they last for months and still look fantastic, like the day you bought them (that's value for money right there!). My mum kept the orchids from my wedding bouquet and they still looked fresh when we got back from our honeymoon, 3 weeks later.

After dinner I sat and created some jewellery for my new online store (opening soon!) while everyone else watched the cricket.. a very exciting Friday night indeed. Though I wouldn't want it any other way =)


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